Special Filing


Certified Clinical Perfusionists (CCP) who are unable to fulfill recertification requirements by the end of a reporting period are no longer eligible to request an extension. All CCPs that are unable to fulfill recertification requirements are automatically moved into the Conditional Certification Status

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New! Prorated Recertification

The ABCP will provide a mechanism for CCPs to have prorated relief for recertification clinical case requirements when a qualifying life event has occurred. The list of acceptable types of leave can be found below. A maximum of 26 weeks of relief, whether the days are consecutive or not, can be applied for in any recertification cycle (7/1 to 6/30). Prorated relief will apply to Certified, Conditional Certification, and Extended Leave statuses. Case counts will round up to the nearest whole number for Primary Clinical Perfusion Activities (PCPA) and round down for Secondary Clinical Perfusion Activities (SCPA).

The National Office will review the submission and issue approval with the revised case count requirements to the CCP for the upcoming filing deadline. The submission is due at least 4 weeks before the recertification filing deadline of July 31st. If the prorated relief is not approved, the CCP may write an appeal for committee review within 30 days. No approval will be granted after the filing deadline has passed. No relief will be granted for continuing education units required for the Professional Activity Report. The three-year CCP filing cycle will remain active regardless of the period of leave.

The required documents for prorated recertification submission:

1. An explanatory letter detailing reason(s) requirements were not met; and
2. Legal documentation/proof of qualifying leave type as stated below.

Types of leave or other qualifying events for prorated recertification clinical case relief:

  • Maternity/Paternity
  • Military Deployment
  • Jury Duty
  • Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
  • Short-Term Disability
  • Long-Term Disability

Examples include:

a. a CCP is on 3 months of qualifying leave during the normal filing period, they
would be required to submit:

i. an explanatory letter detailing reason(s) requirements were not met;
ii. Legal documentation/proof of qualifying leave;
iii. a completed recertification report, comprising 30 cases; a minimum of 19 cases must be Primary Clinical Perfusion Activities (PCPA); and the remaining cases may be Secondary Clinical Perfusion Activities (SCPA), Tables A or B; and
iv. normal recertification filing fees.

b. If the above CCP is unable to fulfill the prorated case count they will move to conditional certification status and be required to provide the prorated amount of cases in addition to the normal conditional case
requirements. The required documentation would include:

i. an explanatory letter detailing reason(s) requirements were not met, and
ii. Legal documentation/proof of qualifying leave;
iii. a completed recertification report, comprising 70 cases; a minimum of 44 cases must be Primary Clinical Perfusion Activities (PCPA); and the remaining cases may be Secondary Clinical Perfusion Activities (SCPA), Tables A or B; and
iv. a $200 Conditional Late Filing Fee PLUS the current filing fee and any other outstanding fees.

Click here to apply for prorated certification.

Conditional Certification

A Certified Clinical Perfusionist (CCP) who fails to submit the completed recertification report with the appropriate fee by the July 31st deadline will be placed on Conditional Certification Status.

A CCP on Conditional Certification Status must apply to the ABCP for reinstatement before the next July 31st filing deadline.

The petition statement must include:

1. An explanation in writing of the reasons for not completing the recertification requirements (clinical activity) for the previous year;
2. A completed recertification report spanning two years, comprising 80 cases total; a minimum of 50 cases must be Primary Clinical Perfusion Activities (PCPA); and the remaining cases may be Secondary Clinical Perfusion Activities (SCPA) found in Tables A and B; and

a. Prorated relief will apply to Certified, Conditional Certification, and Extended Leave statuses. If you qualify, please contact the National Office.

3. Payment of a $200.00 Late Filing Fee PLUS the current filing fee and any other outstanding fees including past or missed recertification fees.

Clinical Case Report for Conditional Certification
While in Conditional Certification, using the Online Filing System for submitting cases is PROHIBITED.

Extended Leave

If unable to successfully complete the reinstatement requirements for conditional certification, the Certified Clinical Perfusionist (CCP) must request Extended Leave status in writing prior to the July 31st deadline of the conditional certification year.

Extended leave gives the CCP placed on Conditional Certification status for clinical inactivity an additional year after the conditional certification year to complete the following clinical requirements:

1. A completed recertification report spanning three years, comprising 120 cases total; a minimum of 75 cases must be Primary Clinical Perfusion Activities (PCPA); and the remaining cases may be Secondary Clinical Perfusion Activities (SCPA), found in Tables A and B; and

a. Prorated relief will apply to Certified, Conditional Certification, and Extended Leave statuses. If you qualify, please contact the National Office.

2. Payment of a $200.00 Late Filing Fee PLUS the current filing fee and any other outstanding fees including past or missed recertification fees.

Clinical Case Report for Extended Leave

Professional Activity for Conditional Certification, Extended Leave, and Prorated Leave

CCPs on clinical activity Conditional Certification and Extended Leave statuses are required to complete the Professional Activity Report (PAR) during the Conditional Certification period. A CCP that has not fulfilled Professional Activities Report (PAR) requirements is moved to Conditional Certification status and given until the next filing year to accumulate forty-five (45) CEUs. They will then have the remaining 2 years of their filing period to obtain the subsequent required forty-five (45) CEUs. The CCP is required to submit the Case Activity Report (CAR) for each year.

Professional Activity Report for Conditional Certification and Extended Leave

If unable to satisfy the above requirements, reinstatement will be granted upon successful completion of the CAPE prior to the December 31st deadline of the "extended leave" year.

If none of the above requirements are completed by December 31st of the extended leave year, all steps listed in the Re-entry into the Certification Process section must be completed.

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