Perfusion Basic Science Examination (PBSE) 

Eligibility Criteria

The criteria for application to take the Perfusion Basic Science Examination are as follows:

  1. The applicant must fulfill one of the following criteria:
    • The applicant must have graduated from, or be currently enrolled in, an accredited cardiovascular perfusion education program, and anticipating graduation prior to the date of the examination; or
    • The applicant must have been admitted to the examination process before April 15, 1981, or have been previously certified by the ABCP.
  2. Applicants for the examination must have the following on file in the National Office prior to the examination:

Please Note: Beginning July 1, 2023: 5 of the 75 Primary Clinical Perfusion Activities (PCPA) must qualify as 3P - ECMO or 6P -VAD cases per Table A of the BOI on page 12 and the remaining 70 (or more) PCPA must qualify as 1P - primary cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB).

Definitions of Qualifying Primary Clinical Perfusion Activities can be found here.

PBSE Application Procedure

NEW! Now offering an online application process! Click here for more details. 

Application window opens May 15th for the fall exam and November 15th for the spring exam.
Applicants are required to submit or arrange for submission of the following:

  • a completed PBSE Application*; and
  • the PBSE application fee ($360.00).

Applicants are required to submit or arrange to submit the following items to the National Office prior to the examination:

  1. Clinical education record documenting 75 clinical perfusions, after 08/01/24, within the United States of America, U.S. Territories, and/or Canada. Observational pediatric cases do not count toward the 75-minimum clinical perfusion requirement.
  2. A current, official transcript of credits from the accredited school of perfusion, indicating date of graduation; and
  3. A statement of satisfactory clinical competency from the Clinical Competency Committee chairperson at the accredited school of perfusion.
PBSE Case Record

The number of times that the Perfusion Basic Science Examination can be taken is not limited.

Applicants retaking the Perfusion Basic Science Examination are NOT required to resubmit or arrange for resubmission of items 1-3, the Clinical Education Record, the official transcript, and the Clinical Competency statement. These items will remain on file from the previous application. 

Please note, all applications submitted after March 10th for the spring exam and September 15th for the fall exam will have a $100 late fee applied. Eligibility to register with Pearson VUE is contingent upon all documentation being received in the National Office prior to registration.

All files MUST be complete by March 24th for the spring exam and September 29th for the fall exam. Eligibility to reserve a seat with the Testing Site is contingent upon receipt of all documentation by the National Office.


PBSE Audit

The National Office conducts random audits of all PBSE case records submitted. Applicants selected for audit and their Program Director will be given notice that the PBSE record submitted for that student will be audited. The Clinical Site Coordinator or Site Representative for each hospital listed on the case record must be the one to verify the cases submitted. Each Clinical Site Coordinator or Site Representative will be provided an “Authorization for Release” form signed by the student and a copy of the submitted PBSE case record prior to their verification. Verification must happen within 14 days of the first notice. If verification is not received within 30 days of the first notice, an investigation may be started by the Credentials Committee for further actions.

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