CEU/SDCE Approval Policy


Maximum CEUs Per Activity



Maximum CEUs In 3-Year Period


CATEGORY I – ABCP Approved Perfusion Meetings and Related Activity

[A minimum of 15 CEUs must be from this category]

Perfusion meetings are those programs and seminars in which a minimum of 90% of the contact hours consists of perfusion-related or relevant cardiac surgery-related material. All educational content will receive CEUs regardless of content (up to 10% can be unrelated to cardiac surgery/perfusion). Category I programs must be equally accessible to the general CCP community.

No maximum

Attendance at an ABCP approved Perfusion-related Meeting; Live, Interactive Webcast or Webinar (independent of an on-site meeting) approved by the ABCP

An official document from the meeting sponsor documenting attendance and the number of CEUs received



Authors listed in a publication of Perfusion-Related Book Chapter, or Article in Professional Journal (Society newsletters and correspondences are not included)

Complete reference of book or article (authors, title, journal, and date/volume of journal)



Presentation of a Talk at an ABCP-approved perfusion-related meeting; Presentation of a Talk during a Live, Interactive Webcast or Webinar approved by the ABCP

Copy of program agenda



Editorial Review of Perfusion Journal Articles; Presentation of a Poster or Other Exhibit at an ABCP approved perfusion-related meeting (Presenter(s) must be present for discussion during poster session)

Complete reference of journal article (authors, title, journal, and date/volume of journal)



Participation in ABCP Knowledge Base Survey

Documentation will be kept by the ABCP


No maximum

High Fidelity Perfusion Simulation (HFPS) event that is associated with an approved Category I meeting

Approved Perfusion Meeting, Live, Interactive Webinars, and non-case credit Simulation Activities: An official document from the activity sponsor documenting attendance and the number of CEUs received



(per year)

Serving as Clinical Instructor in an Accredited Perfusion Training Program

Clinical instructors in accredited programs must provide a letter of confirmation of their status from the Program Director


No maximum

Completion of ABCP approved Self-Directed Continuing Education material. Self-Directed Continuing Education (SDCE) is defined as individual participation in previously recorded electronic or written educational material as an individual, without the ability to interact with other participants or a moderator. This activity may be either online or in written format. Participant must take the required post-test and achieve a minimum score of 80% to receive credit.

An official document from the sponsor documenting successful completion of post-test on ABCP approved material and number of CEUs awarded.



Category I- CEU Approval

General considerations

Only perfusion meetings, and live, interactive webcasts and webinars approved in advance by the ABCP, may qualify for Category I CEUs. Category I programs must be equally accessible to the general CCP community. Meeting sponsors must complete all requirements for approval prior to the date of the meeting. No meeting will be approved for Category I CEUs after the date of the meeting.

The ABCP does not authorize the use of phrases indicating that approval by the ABCP is pending. The advertising or marketing of a meeting as having ABCP approval without written confirmation is expressly prohibited.

Simulation Centers must follow an approval process in order to provide clinical perfusionists with case credits or CEUs; learn more through this link.


The procedure for obtaining ABCP approval for programs seeking Category I CEUs is as follows:

surgical procedure
  • The ABCP National Office should receive requests at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the meeting.
  • A completed application must be submitted using the online application process and includes:
    • a full and complete application;
    • all of the following files:
      • meeting schedule form (choose from one of the options below);
      • daily sign-in sheet or electronic attendance method; and
      • sample certificate or letter of CEU credit.
    • a list of faculty with titles, credentials and/or qualifications; and
    • an Application fee paid by check or credit card according to the following CEU Fee Structure:
      • Tier I – from 1-10 CEUs = $200 application fee PLUS $10/CEU
      • Tier II – from 11-20 CEUs =$350 application fee PLUS $10/CEU
      • Tier III – from 21-30 CEUs = $450 application fee PLUS $10/CEU
      • Tier IV – for 31 or more CEUs = $600 application fee PLUS $10/CEU

The ABCP National Office will notify the meeting sponsor of any deficiency in the application. Upon receipt of a completed application, the ABCP will assign the appropriate CEUs and notify the sponsor within fourteen (14) days. Applications not completed thirty (30) days prior to date of meeting must include a $150.00 Late fee. Applications not completed by the date of the meeting will NOT be approved for Category I CEUs.

CEU Attendance Verification Policy

Participants in all Category I CEU approved meetings are required to sign-in once a day to verify attendance. Photo identification is required for participants to obtain registration materials. Meeting sponsors are required to clearly post or display sign-in period(s).

Meeting sponsors are required to provide verification to all attendees in the form of an official document such as a letter or certificate that specifies the total number of CEUs earned by each individual. This letter or certificate serves as official verification of attendance and CEUs earned. Sponsors are required to maintain attendance records for four (4) years.

Category I- SDCE Approval

General considerations

Self-Directed Continuing Education (SDCE) sponsors who submit activities for ABCP Category I CEUs must include:

  • 75% perfusion or related cardiac surgery material;
  • a post-test (graded by the sponsor) consisting of a minimum of eight (8) questions per CEU;
    (participants must achieve a minimum passing score of 80% to receive credit)
  • a statement in SDCE advertisements that SDCE activities are limited to a maximum of ten (10) Category I CEUs within a three-year reporting period.

SDCE activities that do not meet the above criteria will be considered as Category III activities.

SDCE CEU approval is valid for one (1) year from the time of original approval by the ABCP, but may be renewed annually if approved by resubmitting all updated application materials and fees to the ABCP.


The procedure for obtaining ABCP approval for Self-Directed Continuing Education (SDCE) programs seeking Category I CEUs is as follows:

  • The ABCP National Office should receive requests at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of availability to CCPs.
  • A completed application must be submitted using the online application process and includes:
    • a full and complete application;
    • all of the following files:
      • course evaluation form;
      • attendance method or a daily sign-in sheet; and
      • sample certificate or letter of CEU credit.
    • a list of faculty with titles, credentials, affiliations and/or qualifications;
    • fifty (50) minutes of activity or ten (10) full pages of text per CEU;
    • an Application fee paid by check or credit card according to the following SDCE Fee Structure:
      • Tier I – from 1-10 CEUs = $200 application fee PLUS $10/CEU
      • Tier II – from 11-20 CEUs = $350 application fee PLUS $10/CEU
      • Tier III – from 21-30 CEUs = $450 application fee PLUS $10/CEU
      • Tier IV – for 31 or more CEUs = $600 application fee PLUS $10/CEU
  • SDCE activities submitted for ABCP Category I CEUs must have a minimum of 90% perfusion or relevant cardiac surgery material.
  • Sponsor of SDCE materials must advertise that SDCE activities are limited to a maximum of 10 Category I CEUs within the three-year reporting period.
  • SDCE CEU approval is valid for one year from time of original approval by the ABCP but can be renewed annually if approved by resubmitting to the ABCP all updated application materials and fees.
  • A post-test that contains a minimum of eight questions per CEU. (Post-tests are to be graded by the sponsor and participants must achieve an 80% pass rate in order to receive credit.)

The ABCP National Office will notify the sponsor of any deficiency in the application. Upon receipt of a completed application, the ABCP will assign the appropriate SDCE CEUs and notify the sponsor within fourteen (14) days. Applications not completed thirty (30) days prior to date of availability to CCPs must include a $150.00 Late fee. Applications not completed by the date of availability to CCPs will NOT be approved for Category I SDCE CEUs.

All other SDCE activities that do not meet the above criteria will be considered a Category III activity.

surgical procedure

SDCE Attendance Verification Policy

All Category I Self-Directed Continuing Education (SDCE) approved activities require participation in coursework and a minimum passing score of 80% on a post-test verified by the sponsor. SDCE activity sponsors are required to provide verification to all attendees in the form of an official document such as a letter or certificate that specifies the total number of SDCE CEUs earned by each individual. This letter or certificate serves as official verification of SDCEs earned and must be retained by the perfusionist for auditing purposes. Sponsors are required to maintain completion records for four (4) years. A maximum of ten (10) SDCE CEUs approved by ABCP as Category I may be used for professional activity recertification within the three-year reporting cycle. Additional SDCE CEUs may be reported in Category III.

For questions and concerns about Category I CEU/SDCE program approval please send an email to info@abcp.org.


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