Practice Examinations

After much consideration by the Board and support by the community, we are excited to relaunch the official ABCP practice examinations on a new platform! These online practice examinations have been created by our third-party testing company, Professional Testing, Inc., and their partner company, to mirror the actual examinations on a smaller scale. The practice examinations aim to reduce testing anxiety and give candidates a feel for the actual examinations.

There is a separate practice examination for the PBSE and the CAPE. Similarities to the actual examinations include:

  • Non-Disclosure and tutorials at the beginning
  • Timed (approximately half the time of the actual examinations)
  • Full features such as the online calculator and whiteboard
  • Full review of all questions at the end
  • Score report showing total percentage correct and percentage breakdown by domain

Please follow this link to register for the practice examinations!

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