CCP Emeritus
Beginning January 1, 2014, the American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion approved the designation of CCP Emeritus to recognize retiring CCPs with twenty (20) or more cumulative years of experience as a CCP in good standing and to acknowledge their former certified status. If you have any questions about CCP Emeritus status please contact our office at

To be conferred with this status, the retiring CCP with twenty (20) or more cumulative years of experience as a CCP in good standing must:
- Request CCP Emeritus status within thirty (30) days of losing certification (January 31st of the year that certification is lost).
- Agree to use the title CCP Emeritus and not to use the title CCP, CCP-R, Certified Clinical Perfusionist or Certified Clinical Perfusionist Retired.
- Maintain a current mailing/e-mail address with the ABCP National Office.
Once you have filled out the form, please send it as a PDF to our email, From there we will determine your status.
Once the CCP Emeritus status is conferred, the recipient's name is published on the ABCP website with the title of CCP Emeritus. Recipients are provided with a certificate recognizing their service as a CCP and receive the ABCP Annual Report and other appropriate ABCP publications. There is no fee associated with this status.
Emeritus List