Simulation Information for the CCP

The ABCP defines High-Fidelity Perfusion Simulation (HFPS) as the use of simulation modalities or mechanisms to create a realistic patient model or perfusion situation. HFPS must be an interactive process facilitated by ABCP certified perfusionists (CCPs) using standardized medical simulation devices. These devices must integrate realistic perfusion events experienced during cardiopulmonary bypass procedures in a manner similar to a realistic surgical setting using a conventional heart-lung machine or ECMO circuit. HFPS utilizes computerized simulation modalities or scenarios that are controlled or programmed by a CCP external to the perfusionist. These functions may be altered by a Simulation Facilitator as an interactive result of learner actions.
Beginning with the 2014-2015 recertification cycle, HFPS was added as a Secondary Clinical Perfusion Activity (SCPA) following collaboration with ABCP Liaison Panel representatives. The administering HFPS Center must be recognized by the ABCP as having met the criteria deemed essential for awarding HFPS case credits to CCPs. CCPs are responsible for verifying that a HFPS Simulation Center meets ABCP requirements; visit the ABCP website for a list of approved centers or contact the ABCP National Office.
Simulation Centers approved by the ABCP are available through this link.
To be eligible for simulation case credits (clinical activity)*, CCPs must:
- Participate in an ABCP-approved simulation event of choice.
- Submit a Simulation Case Verification and Evaluation Form* to the ABCP upon completion of each ABCP-approved simulation or series of simulations.
- Retain a copy of the evaluation form for three (3) years for each simulation case credit event for auditing purposes.
- The simulation/simulation series length must be no less than fifty (50) minutes of active simulation activity. One (1) case credit is awarded for every HFPS activity that meets or exceeds these guidelines.
- A maximum of fifteen (15) simulated clinical cases may be used per reporting year for case credit (clinical activity).
- Simulations for case credit may only be used for recertification, not for initial certification.
CEU (professional activity) credit can also be obtained for ABCP-approved simulations; learn more.