Loss of Certification/Re-entry

Loss of Certification

perfusionist equipment

Certified Clinical Perfusionists will lose certification if they:

  1. Are on conditional certification or extended leave and do not successfully meet the requirements for reinstatement;
  2. Are found guilty of unethical conduct as described in the Ethical Standards of the American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion;
  3. Falsify any portion of a recertification report; or
  4. Choose to relinquish their CCP to inactive status.

The American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion shall be the sole judge of whether or not the information before it is sufficient to require or permit revocation of any certificate issued by the ABCP, and the decision of the ABCP thereon shall be final. Certified Clinical Perfusionists who lose, or are in danger of losing, certification may make formal written appeal to the ABCP.

Re-entry into the Certification Process

A perfusionist may petition the ABCP for re-entry into the certification process and then complete the following steps:

  • apply for, take and pass the appropriate examination(s)-
    • If uncertified for less than three (3) years, the applicant must take the Clinical Applications in Perfusion Examination only. No perfusionist may utilize this option in two (2) consecutive recertification cycles.
    • If uncertified for three (3) years or more, the applicant must:
      • take both the Perfusion Basic Science Examination and the Clinical Applications in Perfusion Examination;
      • submit a list of 40 clinical activities documented as Table A - Primary Clinical Perfusion Activities (PCPA) performed since the date of his/her request; and
      • submit a letter of clinical competency from his/her supervisor.
  • remit the appropriate Examination fee(s); and
  • remit a $250.00 Reinstatement fee.
Online Application
PBSE Application
CAPE Application
Submit full payment here.

The ABCP must approve perfusionists who have lost certification because of unethical conduct for re-entry.


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