Table of Contents

General Instructions

  1. All login and verification data are case sensitive.

  2. To login, you must use your 6-digit ABCP ID. Acceptable passwords may contain the characters a-z and numbers 0-9. Capital letters are not accepted..

  3. Each certification year, each CCP must sign (electronically) the ABCP Ethical Standards. This will be presented only once each year at your initial login. Your name MUST conform to your file name in case and spelling.

  4. You must have a signed (electronically) Authorization to Release Information on file. As with the Ethical Standards, this signature is required once, annually, at your initial login.

  5. When Clinical Activity Reports are processed, Professional Activity Reports are automatically sent during the years in which they are due. Professional reporting cycles are assigned at the time of original certification and reporting years are as follows:

    Cycle 1: 2020, 2023, 2026
    Cycle 2: 2022, 2025, 2028
    Cycle 3: 2021, 2024, 2027

    There is no extra charge for the filing of the Professional Activity Report.

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Update Personal Profile Information

It is very important for you to check if your personal profile information is current. The Board relies on information stored here to communicate with you. If you change your address, phone number, or email, make sure to update your Personal Profile.

You also need to make sure we have your current email address. Your email address will be used by our on-line system to keep you informed about any system changes important to you. Please make sure the email address stored in our database is current!

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File Clinical Activity Report On Line

  1. Certified Clinical Perfusionists are required to file a Clinical Activity Report for recertification with the American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion on an annual basis.

    1. 1.1. The Clinical Activity Report covers clinical activities performed during the period from July 1st of the recertification year through June 30th of the reporting year.

    2. 1.2. Clinical Activity Requirement

      A Certified Clinical Perfusionist (CCP) is required to perform a minimum of 40 clinical activities annually. Of the 40 clinical activities, a minimum of 25 activities must be documented as Primary Clinical Perfusion Activities (PCPA). Clinical case credit is only given to the perfusionist who is considered the primary perfusionist in a primary clinical perfusion activity. A primary perfusionist is defined as the perfusionist who is responsible for the conduct of perfusion for 60% of the case and whom the hospital/institution recognizes as the primary perfusionist. Only one perfusionist may submit for primary perfusionist per clinical case.

      If a CCP is unable to attain 40 primary clinical perfusion activities, a maximum of 15 activities may be documented as Secondary Clinical Perfusion Activities (SCPA) and will count towards the 40 case requirement. Only one SCPA case credit will be allowed during the conduction of one perfusion procedure.

      New CCPs that become certified in the fall (in the middle of the reporting cycle) will be required to submit 20 cases on the Clinical Activity Report (CAR) for their first reporting cycle only.

      If a CCP that becomes certified in the fall is unable to attain 20 primary clinical perfusion activities, a maximum of eight activities may be documented as Table B – Secondary Clinical Perfusion Activities (SCPA) and will count towards the 20-case requirement. The reporting period will be from the date of the certification examination through June 30 of the following year to assume regular reporting requirements of 40 cases (July 1 through June 30) in subsequent years.

      All clinical cases must be performed on human patients and documentable in an audit. Clinical activities and core elements of the clinical activity are defined in table A and B.

      Table A

      Primary Clinical Perfusion Activities (PCPA)
      Clinical Definition
      Core Elements


      Cardiopulmonary Bypass (CPB), Primary

      A Certified Clinical Perfusionist (CCP) who is the primary operator of the heart-lung machine, used during cardiac surgery and other surgeries that require extracorporeal circulation, used to manage the patient's physiological status.
      Blood pump, reservoir, heat exchanger, oxygenator, extracorporeal circuit used accordingly with hemodynamic/lab value monitoring


      Instructor CPB Bypass, Primary (Not eligible for examination cases.)

      A Certified Clinical Perfusionist (CCP) who serves as a clinical instructor to a student enrolled in an accredited perfusion program during primary clinical perfusion activities that require extracorporeal circulation, used to manage the patient's physiological status.
      Blood pump, reservoir, heat exchanger, oxygenator, extracorporeal circuit used accordingly with hemodynamic/ lab value monitoring. Primary clinical perfusion activities (PCPA) performed as clinical instructor in an accredited program are considered a primary perfusion activity and will receive full case credit. During clinical instruction in which the student is operating extracorporeal circulation equipment, there must be direct one-to-one supervision by the clinical instructor.

      Students may also receive credit toward certification eligibility for performing the same case.


      Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO), Primary

      A Certified Clinical Perfusionist (CCP) who is the primary operator of Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) circuit that provides life support for respiratory and/or cardiac failure. The CCP must be documented at the institution as a member of the patient care team for that period and a physician name must accompany the case in the Clinical Activity Report.
      Extracorporeal circuit, oxygenator, heat exchanger used accordingly with hemodynamic/lab value monitoring. For each ECMO case, one case credit per 24 hours will be awarded for initiating and bedside managing ECMO (4-hour minimum) or bedside managing (6-hour minimum). No simultaneous credit will be awarded for managing multiple ECMO patients in this time period.


      Isolated Limb, Ex Vivo Organ Perfusion, Primary

      A Certified Clinical Perfusionist (CCP), who is (1) the primary operator of an extracorporeal device used to deliver anticancer drugs directly to an arm, leg, or organ and manages the patient's physiological status or (2) the primary operator of an extracorporeal device, including an oxygenator/de-oxygenator and pump, used to manage the physiologic state of isolated and separated human organs from the body, for potential transplant opportunities.
      Reservoir, blood pump, heat exchanger, oxygenator, extracorporeal circuit used accordingly with hemodynamic, temperature, and lab value monitoring. No simultaneous credit will be awarded for managing multiple organs.


      Veno-Venous or Left Heart Bypass, Primary

      AA Certified Clinical Perfusionist (CCP) who is the primary operator of an extracorporeal device used to perfuse specific vascular regions within the circulatory system or recirculate venous blood for purposes such as clot/tissue removal.
      Blood pump, extracorporeal circuit used accordingly with hemodynamic/lab value monitoring.


      Ventricular Assist Device (VAD), Primary

      A Certified Clinical Perfusionist (CCP) who is the primary operator of the Ventricular Assist Device (VAD) that provides cardiac support for the failing heart.
      For each VAD case, one case credit per 24 hours will be awarded for initiating and managing VAD or bedside managing (6-hour minimum). No simultaneous credit will be awarded for managing multiple VAD patients in this time period.

      Table B

      Secondary Clinical Perfusion Activities (SCPA)
      Clinical Definition
      Core Elements


      CPB, First Assistant, Secondary

      The "CPB First Assistant" is the Certified Clinical Perfusionist (CCP) whom the hospital/institution recognizes as the assistant to the primary perfusionist during the conduction of perfusion.
      The "CPB First Assistant" must be documented within the operating suite and actively assisting during the operative case. Multiple First Assistant credits will not be allowed during concurrent operative procedures.


      Ex Vivo, First Assistant, Secondary

      A Certified Clinical Perfusionist (CCP) who is the secondary operator of an extracorporeal device, used to manage the physiologic state of isolated and separated human organs from the body, for potential transplant opportunities.
      Reservoir, blood pump, heat exchanger, oxygenator, extracorporeal circuit used accordingly with hemodynamic, temperature, and lab value monitoring. No simultaneous credit will be awarded for managing multiple organs.


      Intraperitoneal Hyperthermic Chemoperfusion or Intrapleural Hyperthermic Chemoperfusion (HIPEC), Secondary

      Certified Clinical Perfusionist (CCP) who is the primary operator of an intraperitoneal or intrapleural device.
      A device with pump flow, circulation, temperature, monitoring, and regulation of chemotherapeutic fluids within abdominal or thoracic cavity for periods exceeding 30 minutes. Syringe infusion devices will not be counted as a SCPA.


      Cardiopulmonary Bypass (CPB) Standby Procedures, and Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) Standby Procedures, Secondary

      A Certified Clinical Perfusionist (CCP) who is the primary standby operator of the heart-lung machine, used during cardiac surgery that may require extracorporeal circulation to manage the patient's physiological status, or is the primary standby operator of the Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenator (ECMO) that provides life support for respiratory and/or cardiac failure.
      Any procedure that may require immediate and onsite extracorporeal circulatory support. Standby procedures must be documented, requested by the attending physician, and verifiable in an audit.


      High Fidelity Perfusion Simulation (HFPS), Secondary

      A Certified Clinical Perfusionist (CCP) who is the primary operator of the heart-lung machine or ECMO circuit, used to manage physical and physiological variables during simulated perfusion scenarios taking place at an ABCP-recognized HFPS center. HFPS is the use of simulation modalities or mechanisms to create a realistic patient model or perfusion situation.
      HFPS must be an interactive process facilitated by a CCP using standardized medical simulation devices that integrate realistic perfusion events experienced during CPB procedures in a realistic surgical setting using a conventional heart-lung machine or ECMO circuit. Each HFPS or series of HFPS must have an education/briefing, simulation, and debriefing. The simulation/simulation series length must be no less than 50 minutes of active simulation activity. One case credit is awarded for each HFPS activity that meets or exceeds these guidelines. Each HFPS must include and retain a participant evaluation form.
  2. Before entering cases, you must enter at least one hospital and one surgeon. We recommend that you submit all hospitals and surgeons with which you are affiliated before entering cases. Select those choices from the menu on the left of the screen. The addition of operations is optional. You may delete any hospital or surgeon by selecting the appropriate topic from the right of the screen, then clicking the trashcan on the left of the item to be deleted. You may not delete any hospital or surgeon which has been used on previous reports. You must update your designated authority annually. To edit entries, click the pencil to the left of the entry to be edited. Your information will be saved in your record. Other CCPs' information will not be accessible.

  3. In the Case Report window, everything with the exception of School operates from pull-down menus. If you need to add an additional hospital, surgeon or case, click the appropriate item from the menu on the left of the screen. After adding the information in the appropriate window, return to your Case Report.

  4. The annual online filing fee of $131.00 (U.S.) must accompany the Clinical Activity Report. The $131.00 ($125.00+$6.00 online fee) fee covers the submission of both the Professional and Clinical Activity Recertification Reports on the three-year cycle.

  5. To submit report click Pay Fee and Send Report. Then select Pay by Credit Card or Pay by Check or Money Order and follow directions. Finally, click SEND REPORT.

  6. The deadline for submitting your report is midnight, August 1st of the reporting year. Please note: Report will only be sent when SEND REPORT button is activated.

  7. If you elect to pay by check or money order. Please click SEND REPORT, then mail fees by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested to the following address:

    American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion
    2903 Arlington Loop
    Hattiesburg, Mississippi 39401

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File Professional Activity Report On Line

  1. Certified Clinical Perfusionists are required to file a Professional Activity Report for recertification with the American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion every third year. A total of 45 CEUs must be acquired over the three-year reporting cycle. CEUs are assigned for the following activities.


    CATEGORY I - ABCP Approved Perfusion Meetings and Related Activity

    [A minimum of 15 units must be from this category]

    Maximum CEUs per item
    Maximum CEUs in 3-year period
    No maximum
    Attendance at an International, National, Regional, or State Meeting or Live, Interactive Webcast of same Approved by the ABCP
    Publication of Perfusion-Related Book Chapter or Article in Professional Journal
    Presentation of a Talk at an International, National, Regional, or State Perfusion Meeting
    Presentation of a Poster or Other Exhibit at an International, National, Regional, or State Perfusion Meeting or Editorial Review of Perfusion Journal Articles.
    Participation in ABCP Knowledge Base Survey
    No maximum
    SDCE SDCE or Live, Interactive Webinars (independent of an on-site meeting; beginning July 1, 2020)
    No maximum
    High Fidelity Perfusion Simulation (HFPS) event that is associated with an approved Category I meeting
    (per year)
    Serving as a Clinical Instructor in an Accredited Perfusion Training Program

    CATEGORY II - Non-Approved Perfusion Meetings and Other Medical Meetings

    Maximum CEUs per item
    Maximum CEUs in 3-year period
    International, National, Regional, or State Perfusion Meeting/International, National, Regional, or State Medical Meeting Not approved by the ABCP but accessible to all perfusionists
    Local Perfusion Meetings
    Medical Meeting or Perfusion Meeting not accessible to all perfusionists or Manufacturer-Specific or Company Sponsored Educational Events
    All Other Medical Meetings (Hospital-Based Grand Rounds, In-services, M&M, Cath Conferences, etc.)
    Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) or Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)

    CATEGORY III - Individual Education and Other Self-Study Activities

    Maximum CEUs per item
    Maximum CEUs in 3-year period
    (per contact hr)
    Serving as a Didactic Instructor in an Accredited Perfusion Training Program
    (per contact hr)
    ABCP Examination Development Workshop or Survey
    (per contact hr)
    Participation in an AC-PE Site Visitors Workshop/or as an AC-PE Site Visitor
    (per activity)
    Self Learning Activities
    • Use of Audiovisual Devices/Electronic Forums/ Podcast/additional SDCEs and Webinars
    • Reading Scientific Journals
    • Participation in Journal Club
    • Participation in degree oriented, professionally related course work
    • Self-study modules
    • Basic Life Support (BLS)
    (per activity)
    Presentation at non-approved meeting
    (per activity)
    Membership in a professional perfusion organization at the international, national, or state level
    (per contact hr)
    Simulation activities not occurring at an approved Category 1 meeting.

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